Iwanai Banya 魚希 Uokiは、北海道岩内町で
詳細はReservation&Pick up Serviceをご覧ください
Iwanai Banya Uoki is a restaurant in Iwanai Town, Hokkaido,
where you can enjoy authentic seafood dishes and teppanyaki.
Enjoy a relaxing time in a restaurant with a relaxed atmosphere that makes generous use
of local Hokkaido materials.
A shuttle bus is also available from Niseko
(Please see Reservation & Pick Up Service for details).

※If you make a reservation, we will accommodate you even on our regular holidays.
Please feel free to contact us.
Please make a reservation as follows.
① If you would like to use the shuttle bus, please apply on "Table Check" by the day before.
Pick-up is scheduled to be from hotels in the Niseko Hirafu area and the Park Hyatt in the Hanazono area, but we can also pick up from other hotels if there are more than 10 people. However, please note that we may not be able to visit due to road conditions in winter.
Click "Table Check" to see details of the plan with shuttle.
②If you are not using the shuttle bus, please call the store (0135-62-5560).
③Please note that if you do not arrive at the store by the reservation time or the meeting place, we may be forced to cancel your reservation.
① 送迎バスをご利用の方は、前日までに”Table Check”からお申込みください。
送迎付きプランの詳細は”Table Check”をクリックすると表示されます。
② 送迎バスをご利用でない方は、店舗へお電話でご連絡ください
③ ご予約時間を過ぎてもご来店がない場合は、やむを得ずキャンセルとさせていただく場合がございますのでご了承ください。
Click on the "Table Check" reservation site for a plan
that includes transportation from Niseko!